Dr. Judy Mikovits: “50 Million May Die” from the poison injections

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Dr. Judy Mikovits has been sounding the alarm about the Covid “vaccines” for over a year. She has been exposing Tony “HIV” Fauci as a fraud for decades. Her latest book is called Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption. “We were lied to as to how HIV spread; it was spread through a Hepatitis B vaccination program, with a contaminated vaccine.”

The inconvenient truth in Fauci’s leaked e-mails prove that he lies for personal gain and Political power. Dr. Judy Mikovits has much to share, and her recent interview with Mike Adams aka The Health Ranger is worth watching. “We’ve been creating these in our labs my entire career, this was my job.” It would seem that the so called SARs-Cov2 “virus” was created in US labs, and sent to China Wuhan for final bioweapon stages under Fauci’s supervision.

“You created the disease, and now you’re murdering the victims to cover up your crimes” Dr. Mikovits said, when asked if she believed the actions of those behind the Plandemic were deliberate.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

1 Timothy 6:10, KJV


“This is the worst about the Spike Protein, it’s the envelope of XMRV, HIV, and SARS. But again, we have a God given immune system that has many many Type 1 interferon defenses.”

The best way to beat the system is to remove ourselves from it, do not ingest or inject their poisons. Reject GMO’s, and Big Pharma “final solutions” for your ailments. “Know your farmer, not your Doctor.”

Reader: please educate yourself about nutrition and the amazing immune system that God created for us. Information is power in the age of deception! Ask God to reveal these things, and begin the process of thinking differently about health. Fear The Lord, and ask Him for the wisdom to make better healthier choices. God alone has the wisdom we need and the power to heal and protect us from the Devil’s end-times schemes.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10, KJV

Dr. Mikovits remains hopeful, and she believes “The virus is poison, and you injected the poison, but we can decontaminate it.”

Speaking about the corrupt “Peer Reviewed Science” community, and noting that they rarely publish hard data, but are now corrupted by money and power, Dr. Mikovits said “Our scientific journals are commercials for Big Pharma. They are not independent research.”

If you took the experimental injections, I pray that you will seek The Lord for healing.

Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

Isaiah 55:6, KJV

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