URGENT WARNING for Mankind: Don’t Take the NWO’s Depopulation-JAB!

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Click the link or picture above to watch the URGENT VIDEO! Find a way to share this warning from Geert Vanden Bosshe, PHD, DVM. Also read his Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations

This man, Dr. Geert Vanden Bosshe, PHD, is not an “anti-vaxxer” but he is anti-genocide. That seems to be a quaint, old-fashioned notion these days, as most of the world rushed blindly toward Big Brother / Big Pharma for a solution to this “problem” which they fear. It seems they have been given over to a strong delusion, trusting blindly in their god of “capital S” Science, which is science falsely so called.

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

1 Timothy 6:20

The brave Dr Vander Bosshe is warning about a potential crisis which could cause mass death on a Biblical scale not seen since the great flood. He believes that the experimental shot can cancel out a person’s innate immune system, which we understand was designed by God, while at the same time allowing the virus to mutate at will, and achieve something called Viral Immune Escape. This is a horrifying prospect, and according to his scientific research it may now be unavoidable, as Pandora’s Box has been opened, with Millions of people now being vaccinated daily.

The combination of mass vaccination and infection prevention measures is a recipe for a global
health disaster. Following the science, one has to conclude that all age groups (possibly with
the exception of small children) will be heavily affected and subject to rates of morbidity and
mortality that raise much faster and much higher than those expected to occur during the
natural course of a CoV pandemic. This will particularly apply if the sequence of mass
vaccinations following the first infectious wave parallels that of natural infection (i.e.,
immunocompromised people and elderly first, followed by the younger age groups).
No one, for that matter, should be granted a right to implement large-scale pharmaceutic and
non-pharmaceutic immune interventions, especially not during a viral pandemic, and certainly
not without an in-depth understanding of the immune pathogenesis of a viral pandemic. When
one follows the science, and nothing but the science, it becomes extremely difficult to not label
ongoing mass vaccination campaigns as a crime, not only to public health but also to individual health.

Author: G. Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD; 26 February 2021 Page 5

Keeping also in mind that Dr. Vanden Bossche’s findings / warnings stem from an entirely new set of concerns for world-wide disaster. We have already warned about the probability of Antibody Derived Enhancement, or ADE, which caused the deaths of the animals which were tested in the mRNA “vaccine” trials. This has been widely warned about by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.


Dr. Vanden Bossche acknowledges the reality of this ADE threat, but his worst fears are rooted in the mRNA antibodies wiping out vaccinated people’s innate immune response. This will undoubtedly leave them like helpless sitting ducks in a shooting gallery, waiting for the next strain to get them. Because of the vaccine-induced viral immune escape, a future mutation / strain of SARS-Cov2 can surge into a monster and kill untold millions.

Dr. Vander Bossche has published an open letter to the WHO, linked here, warning of a catastrophic event caused by these mass mRNA vaccinations. See the full interview below, and please share! The Orwellian “thought police” and “ministry of truth” are trying to suppress this urgent warning.


We understand that these events are part of Satan’s plan to destroy man, who is made in God’s image. The “elite” globalists are not quiet about their plans to DEPOPULATE the earth. The Georgia Guide-stones are a mock ten commandments of sorts for the New World Order. I produced a mini-documentary, which outlines their evil plans to use pandemics and vaccinations to sterilize, kill, and control the people of world. They want to maintain the global population below half a Billion people. Do the math! A lot of people need to die for them to enact this Dystopian, Orwellian pipe-dream, or nightmare. If you do not know The Lord, I suggest you get alone and ask Him to save your soul. Here is a link to the GOOD NEWS, the gospel of Jesus, our only hope in this world, and the source of eternal life in the perfect world to come.

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