Soylent Green is People!!

The 1973 film starred Charleton Heston, and was set in the future, 2022. People were addicted…

End Times Responsibility: Warn the Lost!

There is too much going on for me to document on this page. I want to…

Absolute Proof Documentary

Plandemic: InDOCTORnation (Full Movie)

This documentary is a MUST SEE! Please share and download before it is censored by the…

Antichrist Catholic Church Pagan Beliefs Exposed

The catholic church is a false church, which teaches a false gospel based on works. Therefore,…

BOOM: General Flynn was Set Up!

It is now proven that the corrupt “top scum” at the FBI set then National Security…

Prophecy Alert: Blasphemy on the Temple Mount

The Sanhedrin is ready, Paschal lamb Sacrifice First in over 2,000 Years Could be happening this…

Coronavirus: Chinese Bio-Weapon?

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger over at Natural News has several reliable and fact based reports…

Chic-fail-A Chickens-Out, Caves to the LGBTQ Mob

No, that is not a typo in the title. In a sad and stomach-turning move, Chic-fail-A…

The Beast System, CERN, Crypto, and Quantum D-Wave Tech

If any man have an ear, let him hear. Revelation 13:9 The Bible warns of the…